Like It Never Happened

“Am I strong enough to take care of an evil cancer patient?”

Alice Braun has lived in the shadow of her grandmother’s narcissistic abuse, which has...

Lisa Marie Martens
Lisa Marie Martens

Writing about family, travel, and the surreal. 

New York. Costa Rica. 

NYU & CCNY graduate. 

Winner of Doris Lippman writing prize. 

Latina. Dance. 

Earlier works under LM Martens.

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Latest Updates

My newest novel, "Like It Never Happened", will be released on February 14th!

The Kindle version will be free February 20 - 24.

Visit the Amazon page for your copy!

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I have to admit, I'm not great at marketing or promoting myself. It's not because I don't believe in myself—I have given my all to my craft—But I definitely have that voice inside telling me not to bother people, not to think too much of myself, to humble myself.

Also, this is a very turbulent time. I feel like trying to pull focus on my books would almost be "wrong."

However, "Like It Never Happened" is a book about learning to take up space, to say no, and to break those patterns and reclaim...

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